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I was using my metal detector in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. As luck would have it, I never find what I am Seeking. As the day started to come to an end. I was walking back to my truck with the...
Planning a baby shower can be a fun but challenging task. One task crucial to many baby showers is picking the right baby shower invitations. Below are some ideas for baby shower invitations. 1) Them...
As parents-to-be, we tend to prepare for the arrival of our newborn in the usual ways. We decorate the nursery, attend child birthing classes, buy every baby-related accessory known to man, and even...
Babies cry. There’s no denying this fact; it’s the only form of communication they have! Deciphering which cry is which is the key, and understanding that not all crying is a bad thing is amazingly i...