* For an infant, you need a stroller with a reclining seat. This lets you take the baby for a walk long before it is able to sit up on his/her own. You also need a stroller with a canopy to protect the baby from the sun and the wind.
* Look at the material in the frame. Strollers made from steel and aluminum are very durable and will last you a lot longer. This is important if you want to use the stroller for all of your children without having to buy a new one for each baby.
* While you might really like the color and style of a specific fabric, you need to make sure that it is machine washable. Leaking pampers and spitting up can soil the material and cause staining.
* Look at the height of the handles and see whether or not they are comfortable for both of you. Many strollers today have height adjustments you can easily make so that anyone can take the baby for a walk.
About The Author
Eric & Lisa Koshinsky make it easy for you to get clear, unbiased information so you can make informed purchases of baby gear. Visit http://www.greatbabygear.com today for info on everything from baby strollers to baby monitors.